Archives for Research


Utilizarea surselor de documentare auxiliară în practica medicală. Impactul proiectului peaceMed asupra comunității medicale din România

The study at hand represents an analysis of the effect that the peaceMed project had upon the Romanian medical community when considering the usage of auxiliary methods for article sourcing. peaceMed represents an initiative that proposes novel ways of article research for the medical professionals and offers, for the first time in the Romanian medical environment, a broad range of solely healthcare-related information. This disquisition is a national novelty, also being the first study of this sort made in an East European country.
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Sonde interplanetare

After 50 years since the first Moon landing, the human presence in space is more active than ever, despite an apparent temporary retreat of human exploration missions to low Earth orbit. This paper puts the spotlight on the interplanetary probes, which in their space missions were used as reach places, where the human body will never be able to function. They gather data about the beginning of our solar system that help us better understand how our universe will evolve in the future.
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Fighting Academic Plagiarism in Romania

Plagiarism is one of the most debated subjects in Romanian society. While most of the attention is on politicians, the subject has had a major impact on the academic environment and it has led to important changes in how we view academic integrity today. The aim of the present paper is to list both the progress we have made as well as the challenges we still need to face.
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Sovereignty and Jurisdiction in Space Law

This memo analyses the issues of sovereignty and jurisdiction in outer space. The first part briefly reviews the evolution of space exploration and why it became necessary to discuss sovereignty and jurisdiction in space. The second part examines the issues of sovereignty and jurisdiction in outer space as currently defined by international laws and treaties.
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Medicine as a paradigm shift

Research in itself is not only a paradigm, but a paradigm shift at the same time, as each new piece of information has the potential of completely reshaping the way we see the world. But this can only happen by gaining access to multiple information sources and listening to different opinions, from scientists with different backgrounds, who share the same work and research ethics.
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