Archives for generatia Z
Ce se întâmplă cu educația?
This paperwork aims to emphasize the utility of principles in defining new models of education, to outline the main traits of educational communities regarding mentorship relations, informational sources and intergenerational interaction. In the process of underlining how crucial it is to include principles and values in future educational models, the author raises the question “Why do we educate?”.
Change Doesn’t Happen at the Top as Much as It Happens at the Bottom
The proceeding shows the fresh perspective that Yuppy Koti Centre brings into the classic Romanian school landscape, inspired by the Finnish education. It presents three key aspects that have already implemented and were of big success at this education centre. The author strongly believes that anyone in any context can use these as guidelines.
Forma FĂRĂ fond, absența insuficientelor forme CU fond. Literatura de leadership în Educație. Studiu de caz
This paper is an argument about the necessity and the importance of leadership literature in Education. The study case focuses on the present situation of Romania.
Caracterul și succesul academic la copii
This interview paper aims to provide educators and parents with an answer to the question on how we can support children to be more prepared for the future. The text will describe the endeavour of the character lab concept and its applicability in Romania. Readers will attain valuable tools that can be later applied in the education process of the children they interact with.
Eu învăț, tu înveți … Care este impactul tehnologiilor digitale asupra învățării?
The article focuses on three key messages: (1) learning is a natural process; (2) authentic learning is a process that generates positive emotions, satisfaction, and self-esteem; (3) the use of digital technologies influences the dynamics of the learning process.