Archives for nr.4
Educația online – prieten sau dușman al învățării autoreglate?!
Nowadays, education is challenged to change its paradigms and to adapt to new online environments and tools. In this context, the role of teachers remain essential in finding relevant contents for developing strong competencies, monitoring and evaluating the learning process.
Valori și trenduri în comunitățile educaționale
The present study draws our attention to the existence of educational communities that allow teachers to continuously develop their abilities and work together in order to face the challenges presented by the educational system. We will discuss three case studies – ANPRO, Aspire Teachers, Merito – and the information obtained in an empirical evidence, in order to shine a light on the dynamics and variables at work in these communities in Romania.
Ce se întâmplă cu educația?
This paperwork aims to emphasize the utility of principles in defining new models of education, to outline the main traits of educational communities regarding mentorship relations, informational sources and intergenerational interaction. In the process of underlining how crucial it is to include principles and values in future educational models, the author raises the question “Why do we educate?”.
Viitorul amenințărilor prezente
The aim of this paper is to present the importance of technology in the evolution of warfare. Moreover, the present material analyzes the issue posed by the use of the atomic bomb and it offers a pragmatic perspective on the future of war, by underlining essential related phenomena.
Utilizarea surselor de documentare auxiliară în practica medicală. Impactul proiectului peaceMed asupra comunității medicale din România
The study at hand represents an analysis of the effect that the peaceMed project had upon the Romanian medical community when considering the usage of auxiliary methods for article sourcing. peaceMed represents an initiative that proposes novel ways of article research for the medical professionals and offers, for the first time in the Romanian medical environment, a broad range of solely healthcare-related information. This disquisition is a national novelty, also being the first study of this sort made in an East European country.