Archives for transformare digitală
Impactul tehnologiei informației în transformarea digitală
The aims of this paper are to understand the impact of the information technology on society and economy by analyzing the evolutionary patterns and the main trends of these areas, which defined the world we live nowadays.
Eu învăț, tu înveți … Care este impactul tehnologiilor digitale asupra învățării?
The article focuses on three key messages: (1) learning is a natural process; (2) authentic learning is a process that generates positive emotions, satisfaction, and self-esteem; (3) the use of digital technologies influences the dynamics of the learning process.
Transformarea digitală – provocare, risc sau oportunitate?
The aims of this paper are to analyze the most important trends in digital transformation, the influences that it brings into different areas of our lives and the associations that fundament the digital change.
Transformarea digitală. De la inteligență artificială la calculatoare cognitive
The aims of this paper are to identify the most important trends in information technology like virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence and to explain the impact of these new technologies on the educational processes.